
SSB Mentors @Gandhinagar/Jaipur

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NDA | AFCAT | CDSE | TES | SSC TECH | NCC SPECIAL | ACC | JAG | OTA | GSES | Naval Academy | IMA | AFA | Coast Guard


The SSB Mentors @ Gandhinagar has recently launched SSB Preparatory Classes with a renewed passion and dedication to equip defense aspirants for their upcoming SSB Interviews. These classes adopt a unique approach that emphasizes on developing individual personalities rather than relying on traditional rote learning methods commonly used by other SSB Interview Coaching Institutes.

Led by Wing Commander Kapil Rao Tantla, a highly experienced and respected figure in the field of defense, and his team of experienced SSB Assessors, these classes aim to provide valuable insights and guidance on the SSB Selection System. With our vast knowledge and expertise, we are able to provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the selection process and the skills required to excel in it.

Offer Different Courses

Our Online & Offline Courses   Register Now 

NDA | AFCAT | CDSE | TES | SSC TECH | NCC SPECIAL | ACC | JAG | OTA | GSES | Naval Academy | IMA | AFA | Coast Guard


07 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

Online- (Psychology Special) Course Fee- Rs 7000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)


12 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

Online- Course Fee- Rs 10000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)
Offline - Course Fee- Rs 15000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)


21 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

Online- (Psychology Special) Course Fee- Rs 16000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)


28 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

Offline- Course Fee- Rs 25000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)


What Aspirants Say About Our Courses!

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We Give You The Best
The coaching center's holistic approach, combining rigorous training with individualized attention, sets it apart as the premier choice for SSB preparation. With a track record of producing top-ranking candidates and a faculty comprised of seasoned professionals, this coaching center stands as the epitome of excellence in SSB coaching.
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