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Online Courses

  • 07 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

    SSB Mentors candidates are privileged to remain connected on WhatsApp for their doubt clearance till they appear for SSB Interviews.

    (Psychology Special) Register Now 
    Course Fee- Rs 7000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

    Day 1 Overview of SSB/Selection Methodology, Selection Criterion, Understanding Officers’ Like Quality
    Day 2 Screening Process, Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test, Picture Perception and Discussion (PP&DT) Test, Story Writing Introduction & Practice
    Day 3 Lecture on PIQ, Importance and PIQ Filling, PP&DT Practice, Introduction to Psychology Testing
    Day 4 Introduction and Practice for Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Assessment Test (WAT) and feedback
    Day 5 Introduction and Practice for Situation Reaction Test (TAT), Self-Description Test (SD) and feedback
    Day 6 Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Day 7 Feedback on Psychology Test
  • 12 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

    *SSB Mentors candidates are privileged to remain connected on WhatsApp for their doubt clearance till they appear for SSB Interviews.

    Course Fee- Rs 10000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee) Register Now 

    Day 1 Overview of SSB/Selection Methodology, Selection Criterion, Understanding Officers’ Like Quality
    Day 2 Screening Process, Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test, Picture Perception and Discussion (PP&DT) Test, Story Writing Introduction & Practice
    Day 3 Lecture on PIQ, Importance and PIQ Filling, PP&DT Practice, Introduction to Psychology Testing
    Day 4 Introduction and Practice for Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Assessment Test (WAT) and feedback
    Day 5 Introduction and Practice for Situation Reaction Test (TAT), Self-Description Test (SD) and feedback
    Day 6 Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Day 7 Feedback on Psychology Test
    Day 8 Lecture on Interview Technique
    Day 9 Practice of Interview with Feedback
    Day 10 Practice of Interview with Feedback
    Day 11 Lecture on Group Testing Technique
    Day 12 Doubt Clearing Session
  • 21 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

    *SSB Mentors candidates are privileged to remain connected on WhatsApp for their doubt clearance till they appear for SSB Interviews.

    (Psychology Special)Register Now 
    Course Fee- Rs 16000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)

    Overview of SSB/Selection Methodology, Selection Criterion, Understanding Officers’ Like Quality - 02 Sessions
    Screening Process, Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test, Picture Perception and Discussion (PP&DT) Test, Story Writing Introduction & Practice - 02 Sessions
    Lecture on PIQ, Importance and PIQ Filling, PP&DT Practice, Introduction to Psychology Testing - 02 Sessions
    Introduction and Practice for Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Assessment Test (WAT) and feedback - 03 Sessions
    Introduction and Practice for Situation Reaction Test (TAT), Self-Description Test (SD) and feedback-03 Sessions
    Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours, Feedback on Psychology Test - 09 Sessions
    Number of Tests to be conducted-04

Offline Courses

  • 28 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

    *SSB Mentors candidates are privileged to remain connected on WhatsApp for their doubt clearance till they appear for SSB Interviews.

    Course Fee- Rs 25000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)Register Now 

    Day 1 (Mon) Overview of SSB/Selection Methodology, Selection Criterion
    Day 2 (Tue) Understanding Officers’ Like Quality, Screening Process, Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test
    Day 3 (Wed) OIR Practice Lecture on PIQ, Picture Perception and Discussion (PP&DT) Test
    Day 4 (Thurs) Story Writing Introduction & Practice
    Discussion Test Practice
    Day 5 (Sat) Overview Of Group Testing Technique
    Lecture On Group Discussion (GD)
    Day 6 (Sun) GD Practice and Feedback
    Group Planning Exercise (GPE) Theory, Practice and Feedback
    Day 7 (Mon) Importance and PIQ Filling, PP&DT Practice, Introduction to Psychology Testing
    Day 8 (Tue) Introduction and Practice for Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Assessment Test (WAT) and feedback
    Day 9 (Wed) Introduction and Practice for Situation Reaction Test (TAT), Self-Description Test (SD) and feedback
    Day 10 (Thurs) Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Feedback on Psychology Test
    Day 11 (Sat) GD Practice and Feedback
    Group Planning Exercise (GPE) Theory, Practice and Feedback
    Day 12 (Sun) GD Practice and Feedback
    Group Planning Exercise (GPE) Theory, Practice and Feedback
    Day 13 (Mon) Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Feedback on Psychology Test
    Day 14 (Tue) Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Feedback on Psychology Test
    Day 15 (Wed) Lecture on Interview Technique
    Practice of Interview with Feedback
    Day 16 (Thurs) Practice of Interview with Feedback
    Day 17 (Sat) Lecture On Outdoor Tasks- Progressive Group Task (PGT), Half Group Task (HGT) & Command Task (CT)
    Day 18 (Sun) Practice Outdoor -Progressive Group Task (PGT), Half Group Task (HGT) & Command Task (CT)
    Day 19 (Mon) Practice of Interview with Feedback
    Day 20 (Tue) Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Day 21 (Wed) Feedback on Psychology Test
    Day 22 (Thurs) GD/ GPE Practice
    Day 23 (Sat) Theory - Group Obstacles Race (GOR)/ Individual Obstacles (IO) / Final Group Task (FGT) /
    Day 24 (Sun) Practice Outdoor - Group Obstacles Race (GOR)/ Individual Obstacles (IO) / Final Group Task (FGT)
    Day 25 (Mon) GD Practice
    Day 26 (Tue) Lecturette Practice
    Day 27 (Wed) Doubt Clearance
    Day 28 (Thurs) Conference Procedure
  • 12 Days Comprehensive SSB Interview Preparatory Course

    *SSB Mentors candidates are privileged to remain connected on WhatsApp for their doubt clearance till they appear for SSB Interviews.

    Course Fee- Rs 15000/- (Inclusive of Registration Fee)Register Now 

    Day 1 (Mon) Overview of SSB/Selection Methodology, Selection Criterion, Understanding Officers’ Like Quality
    Day 2 (Tue) Screening Process, Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test, Picture Perception and Discussion (PP&DT) Test, Story Writing Introduction & Practice
    Day 3 (Wed) Lecture on PIQ, Importance and PIQ Filling, PP&DT Practice, Introduction to Psychology Testing
    Day 4 (Thurs) Introduction and Practice for Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Word Assessment Test (WAT) and feedback
    Day 5 (Sat) Overview Of Group Testing Technique
    Lecture On Group Discussion (GD)
    GD Practice and Feedback
    Day 6 (Sun) Group Planning Exercise (GPE) Theory, Practice and Feedback
    Day 7 (Mon) Introduction and Practice for Situation Reaction Test (TAT), Self-Description Test (SD) and feedback
    Day 8 (Tue) Psychology Test for 2.5 Hours
    Day 9 (Wed) Feedback on Psychology Test
    Lecture on Interview Technique
    Day 10 (Thurs) Practice of Interview with Feedback
    Day 11 (Sat) Lecture On Outdoor Tasks- Progressive Group Task (PGT), Half Group Task (HGT) & Command Task (CT)
    Day 12 (Sun) Group Obstacles Race (GOR)/ Individual Obstacles (IO) / Final Group Task (FGT) / Conference Procedure